

Mapa 2


Type: Urbanism
Location: Aulnat, Clermont-Ferrand, France
Year: 2023
Client: Clermont Auvergne Métropole + Mairie d’Aulnat  
Team: Ida + Bea Saladich + Alfonso Bertrán

This project is developed in continuity with the Aulnat Centripete project for the Europan 16 Living Cities competition. Following the competition, Clermont Auvergne Métropole and the city of Aulnat commissioned the 3 winning teams to create an Urban Viability Plan for the city of Aulnat, consisting in establishing collectively and based on the previously worked on project, a plan of urban strategies for the short, medium, and long term. Their goal is to guide reflections on the future planning of the city.

This study is developed in two phases, the first one defining challenges through a series of thematic workshops on-site with various economic actors in the territory: The City Hall of Aulnat, Clermont Auvergne Métropole, the Urban Planning and Development Agency of Clermont Métropole, Assemblia (Public Housing Puy-de-Dôme), SMACFA (Clermont-Ferrand Airport), Auvergne Habitat (Public Housing), and the SMTC (Clermont-Ferrand Transport). The second project phase consists of elaborating possible urban scenarios and the concrete development of certain operational sectors.

A new vision is projected for the sustainable development of the city with the aim of reconnecting it to the territory and its nearby resources: long-term urban planning achievable progressively and also structured and evolutionary. The project is developed in three main urban strategies:

(1) A city-territory interface loop that defines a membrane space around the city in a landscape route form capable of regulating exchanges with its surroundings. This perimeter ring integrates mobility management and environmental parameters such as the water cycle.

(2) An ecological corridor along the Artière River (decumanus), representing an East-West territorial continuity through the city.

(3) An intensity axis (cardo) that connects public spaces and facilities in the North-South direction between Clermont Ferrand Airport and the Limagne Valley.

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